12-14-2013, 09:24 AM
So some guy climbed a corporate ladder, good for him and many many more are struggling to keep their small businesses open because of that one store. Should we all just give up an go start pushing carts at Costco? Go work for the place that we spend most of our money at? That doesn't sound sustainable. Is Costco even offering up that many management jobs? How about cart pushing jobs? Good thing we don't all have the same ambitions.
One of the many businesses we owned, my wife closed it and took a management job with a "big corporate box store" that recently opened in our community and threatened to drive us out of business. "If you can't beat them, join them." I counseled her against it but like a good wife she listened to her brain not her husband. She LOVED that job. All of the joys of her profession and none of the anxiety of owning a business and navigating the seemingly impossible regulatory hurdles. She only quit because we moved. She still misses that job.
Unless you've been a small business owner "displaced" by a big box store, please don't try to defend those of us who have.