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CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings!
The current building criteria by default is substandard by virtue of it's own evolution and unrecorded variable and alterations within the evolution. IE... many homes were wired in aluminum when aluminum wire met code yet homes with copper wire were accepted also. Today, the aluminum wired homes have substandard wiring yet will sell next door to a same period built home with copper wire for the same price. That's an ineffective safety protocol. The same can be applied to home that were built with plywood sheer sheathed walls and right next door the same period was used reflective layer cardboard (I don't even recall what that crap was called anymore) sheathing in the same capacity, again ineffective tracking by virtue of a wide variance in the codes. This is just the tip of the iceberg. This is structural safety issue and a substandard home by todays standards that right next to a much safer home. As time progresses these variances and inadequacies will only continue. By actually creating and keeping a record of the homes building methods materials etc. within a grading system, the homes grade can be automatically adjusted in the future as the industries understanding evolves too. We don't have those safeguards in place today.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Wao nahele kane - 01-23-2014, 05:44 PM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-01-2014, 12:08 PM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:11 AM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:16 AM

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