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CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings!
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Originally posted by peteadams

"If such a system were in place, municipalities would no longer be required to inspect as that would be turned over to a privatized certified inspection and engineering industry that would regulate itself by default through reputation and competition."

Regulate itself? That's just too funny. Hilarious even. Just like the finance industry/Wall Street? After all, the genius Alan Greenspan, to his eternal infamy, said everything would be peachy if Wall Street was just left to self-regulate. So how did that work out?

Well Pete,
The current system does not regulate itself, it's regulated by the corporate manufacturing heads who sit on the board of the IBC, IEC, etc (The ICC). Hence the industry controls have been hijacked by corporate manufacturing interests. When I cite industry self regulated, I am referring to the trades that actually build, install, repair and inspect their own product on a daily basis.
Originally it began as a basic set of safety checks and was semi self regulated through the likes of the Master Builders Association,structural engineering associations, etc. within the trade with municipalities injecting additional interests and alterations which led to utilizing local versions of codes or pamphlets that were used in conjunction with a particular code book. Then came along the collective code writers such as NBC,IBC which mutated into the heavy alternative corporate controls we see today in the IBC and the likes thereof.
By allowing flexibilities through a grading system the conflict of interest in corporate manufacturing is decreased.
Ultimately it would still be the individual municipalities with the power to set minimum requirements within the grading system for particular applications such as Multi Family, Commercial, Residential, etc. However, the techniques/materials and such would be left to the professions involved.
All in all it removes the full central controls of the manufacturing corporations and spreads them out within the profession.

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Messages In This Thread
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Wao nahele kane - 01-24-2014, 05:47 AM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-01-2014, 12:08 PM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:11 AM
RE: CRIMINAL penalties for non-permitted buildings! - by Guest - 02-02-2014, 10:16 AM

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