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Senate committee passes GMO bill in 3-0 vote
Originally posted by OpenD

Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

I as a consumer have the right to buy naturally bred foods and if a GE bred food is masquerading amongst all the naturally bred foods... I HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW.

Actually, you don't, according to the court case from the 90s which struck down Vermon't rBGH labelling law.

There is no compelling public interest, no rational imperative to label GMO foods, because there is no credible scientific evidence they are unsafe to consumers.

The term GMO has been unfairly demonized, and demanding the label be attached to foods without credible scientific evidence would inevitably hurt sales, for no good reason, and would violate the food producers' Constitutional rights.

The current anti-GMO hysteria is running on emotion and misinformation. Laws should not be passed on this basis.

One case that was not based on the individual right to know is not a proof that we don't have the right to know. Nice try.

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RE: Senate committee passes GMO bill in 3-0 vote - by Wao nahele kane - 01-31-2014, 04:56 AM

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