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Largest Volcano on Earth Lurks Beneath Pacific Oce
Originally posted by Delta9r

Technically, couldn't all of the mountains on the island be considered a "single volcano" due the their origin being from the same hotspot?

"Life is labor, and all that is good in life comes from that labor..."

Nope, the hotspot is below the crust and forms a swollen bump, which is more like a reservoir. I think it has done this several times and those reservoirs feed the separate volcanos.

Also has anyone heard of the yosemite super volcano. That is surely the largest volcano on earth it is dormant currently but is due to erupt at anytime. Probably not in our lifetimes but there is a chance it could happen. There have been Nat geo specials about it and everything so you know… be afraid, verrrry afraid!

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RE: Largest Volcano on Earth Lurks Beneath Pacific Oce - by Derrick Barnicoat - 04-15-2014, 09:54 AM

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