01-15-2017, 03:32 AM
Sen. Russell Ruderman, a Democrat representing Puna and Ka'u, envisions a new agriculture park in Puna ... which he says could be located on hundreds of acres of state land between Hawaiian Beaches and Hawaiian Shores, has access to ample water, including a freshwater aquifer and easy access to cold ocean water that could be used for chilling produce and growing winter crops. There's also good soil, he said.
In other words, let's just step right over the "private ag subdivisions" and invest public money in the creation of an "ag park" -- not only will this be totally different than last time, it will be located next to subdivisions that don't mind having commercial ag built "in their backyard".
He also supports raising the minimum wage to $15 soon and $22 later. This will create local farming jobs for sure!
Sen. Russell Ruderman, a Democrat representing Puna and Ka'u, envisions a new agriculture park in Puna ... which he says could be located on hundreds of acres of state land between Hawaiian Beaches and Hawaiian Shores, has access to ample water, including a freshwater aquifer and easy access to cold ocean water that could be used for chilling produce and growing winter crops. There's also good soil, he said.
In other words, let's just step right over the "private ag subdivisions" and invest public money in the creation of an "ag park" -- not only will this be totally different than last time, it will be located next to subdivisions that don't mind having commercial ag built "in their backyard".
He also supports raising the minimum wage to $15 soon and $22 later. This will create local farming jobs for sure!