04-30-2014, 03:58 AM
Bullwinkle, You may need to get a good cat or keep banging things and hope they run. Just had a very good friend get very sick, nearly died and he is 35 years old. He had come in contact with Lepto, But where?. His home is in Lielani, he works as a farmer in Opihikao, and he does a lot of coconut tree climbing. His temperature rose to 104 degrees and his kidneys shut down within days. Thankfully he was rushed to queens on Oahu and was a strong 35 who does not drink alcohol and is a vegetarian, so still very strong and healthy. The doctor there said many cases of Lepto are being reported on the big ISLE. Anyone here no much about this rat carrying disease?. My friend is born and raised here and never had this before, same here I have never had something so awful. The doctor on Oahu told him that once you get this lepto you cant get it again, is this true?. Everyone should set a few traps and try not feeding your cats a few days to see if this rat population can be curved a bit. My friend still has not really recovered completely and has lost a lot of weight so we are crossing our fingers he can shake this.