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it's the "assessed value game" time already

Even without a property tax increase, rising property values could bring in more revenue because property owners pay more based on the rising values of their property. It will be another couple of weeks before county officials have a good grasp of property values.

Translation: they haven't worked out what property "valuation" results in an extra $12M to cover the budget shortfall.

Meanwhile, that $100M bond is already spent.

This one is also funny:

It costs the county $13 for each fixed-route rider each way, while riders pay $1 to $2, depending on their age, disability and whether they buy tickets in bulk. While eliminating the fare would have an only moderate impact on county finances, it could make a big difference for Puna commuters who spend $400 to $500 annually in gas to get to their jobs at Kohala resorts

Too bad there's no way to create some kind of "affordable" housing outside of Puna.

Messages In This Thread
it's the "assessed value game" time already - by kalakoa - 02-13-2017, 03:31 PM

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