05-22-2014, 02:39 PM
Hunt got it right regarding the story I linked above. The story was about a 70 year old man who fed stray cats. His neighbor, a 64 year old woman, kept telling him not to. One time he got mad and stabbed her. The crazy cat person stabbed the innocent neighbor to death because she didn't want her home ruined and she said so. The story generated lots of comments naturally. The great majority were about how this poor woman got attacked because she "did the right thing by feeding the stray cats". WHAT!? Yep, that's right folks. A huge percentage of the people who commented were not able to comprehend the message. They read about a crazy cat man murdering a neighbor who disagreed with him and absorbed that the VICTIM was the one feeding the cats. Now I am willing to spot each demographic group a psychopath or three in proportion to population size given the general state of the world, so I am not griping about a cat lover going off the deep end. It is the readers that I find pathetic. Reader after reader literally could not comprehend reality and heard only what they wanted to hear. Not a single comment addressed this shocking oversight.
Now terracore, do you really think the feral cat crowd can handle your question?
Now terracore, do you really think the feral cat crowd can handle your question?