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Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill
Monsanto controls 80 percent of gmo corn and 93 percent of gmo soy and that is one corporation of the few that control all GMOs. So for all intents and purposes there is no difference between GMOs and corporations. You think individuals are splicing genes in their kitchen?

This argument reminds me of the nuclear argument in the late '40s. Now we are all sitting ducks with all the radioactivity on this planet. Science is not just one way. Science is merely a language in which to describe the things that go on in this universe. It is fluid and constantly changing and like any language that uses numbers and letters it can describe all sides. Science will be able to describe where we messed up but it isn't going to save us once our DNA is compromised.

As I said earlier GMO was introduced in '96 the Human Genome had not been fully realized until 2003. The corporations clearly jumped the gun because they saw dollar signs with no regard as to how it would effect humanity because they don't care about people. If world hunger is a real issue for them there are ways to solve that. Maybe they could use science to figure out how to distribute the abundance of food on this planet. Supermarkets and restaurants throw perfectly edible food in the garbage constantly in the U.S. due to "sell by labels"
and fresh food in Hawaii just falls off the tree and rots on the ground meanwhile people go hungry in places that have become so disjointed by war and politics that people don't even know how to grow what they can on their own land. Education and efficient distribution could solve everything. All these things and GMO go on soley for the profit of the elite few. People literally die everyday so corporations like monsanto can make profit.

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RE: Why farmers sued the county about ANTI GMO bill - by Derrick Barnicoat - 06-19-2014, 10:10 AM

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