07-03-2014, 09:11 AM
quote:Non-profits in Hawai'i are held to the standards enacted in the HRS. This is what the non-profit board agrees to when initiating the non-profit.
Originally posted by birchl
The non-profits of America are held to what? Would those be the same standards the banks and money markets are held to?
Donations to 501c3 orgs are tax-deductible while donations to 501c4 orgs are not. Most grant-making organizations Ð and this includes many types of funders Ð require that any orgs receiving grants have a 501c3 status. There are a few exceptions, but not many.
501c4 orgs can engage in political lobbying, without budgetary limits, as long as it directly pertains to their mission. 501c3 orgs can only spend a maximum of 20% (depending on the size of the org Ð sometimes itÕs only 5%) of their budget on lobbying activities, and before they engage in any lobbying, they have to file forms informing the IRS of their intent to lobby.