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Block The Sun Run 5k Fun Run/Walk
"Hawaiians Love S.P.A.M." (skin protection against melanoma)
5k Fun Run/Walk October 14, 2017 Reed's Bay Park

My son Steve died April 3, 2017. He had found a suspicious mole 7 years earlier and had had it removed. It was melanoma. All lymph nodes and other tests for evidence of spread were negative. Six years later, it recurred as metatases in his brain, lungs, spine and neck.

Treatments failed, and he succumbed to a complication of his treatment.

Melanoma is the deadliest of skin cancers, and all it takes is one cell.....traveling from the original spread throughout the body. There are now treatments which have extended life, and in some cases, effected long term remission of melanoma. The gold standard of melanoma management however, is PREVENTION!

Steve was a graphic artist. He had planned on coming to Hawaii in October to both celebrate his birthday, and to help me coordinate a fun run/walk for melanoma awareness. He had designed the "Hawaiians Love S.P.A.M." (skin protection against melanoma) medal that is to be given to participants.

Though Steve didn't live long enough to be here for the event, I will be participating in an AIM for the CURE Melanoma Walk & Fun Run to increase awareness about prevention and support research for the CURE...YOU can, too!

Please consider running/walking with us. Come to Hilo....or sign up as a "virtual" participant (at step 2 of registration, choose "virtual" instead of "Physical."

Go to and sign up to do it here in Hilo, or at home....or on vacation.....or in place while you watch tv!

Messages In This Thread
Block The Sun Run 5k Fun Run/Walk - by hrooster - 08-22-2017, 04:50 PM
RE: Block The Sun Run 5k Fun Run/Walk - by eigoya - 08-28-2017, 03:32 PM

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