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Super PAC targets county council races
You should vote your convictions and as you wish, for sure.

I asked because for years in the primaries for presidential election, I have not hesitated to vote for the underdog that I believed in, but when it came to the general election, in a close race, then I wouldn't vote for a third party candidate who was taking votes from the Democrats but had not got a snowball's chance to win.

In spite of the fact I wish we had three or more viable parties. Not getting off into a national politics discussion -- point being I had the luxury of voting how I wanted in the primary because there was no risk of throwing the election to the Republican. But in this nonpartisan race, I wondered if people think there is a risk (which you answered and gave your take on, thanks).

My District's Council race will be decided in the primary, for sure. I realize District 5 has a high number of candidates vying for votes.

hey, I don't like that kind of thinking either, but I wouldn't call it cynical. It's pragmatic thinking. It's why candidates in larger races often drop out of the primary and throw their support when the polls tell them it's not happening this time around.

btw, I had a very hard time gleaning much about Paleka from the forum I watched, and don't know much about what he stands for.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 01:41 PM
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 02:42 PM
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 04:56 PM

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