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Super PAC targets county council races
Yeah, you're right... "cynical" is too strong. And you made a good point about not wanting to vote for, say, Ralph Nader in 2000, when Al Gore needed every vote he could get his hands on (since getting the most votes was apparently not good enough)... but it's a tricky business too. If the Dems had sorted out their differences way back in 1860, they wouldn't have split the vote and we'd have some other guy's face on our five spot.

Danny Paleka, at the forums, seemed like an honest man, but he also seemed to me to be the kind of guy that falls in line. I don't think he would oppose the mayor or the governor, if they made an argument that sounded reasonable to him. I don't think he'd do too well on the larger issues facing our island, like waste management or energy production in the coming years, and how public policy would affect everyday citizens. I think the nuances of the job would be beyond him. But we could do worse, I suppose. And bear in mind, I've only heard him speak twice. I haven't done any research into his background. So... big JMO on this one.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 01:41 PM
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 02:42 PM
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by missydog1 - 08-01-2014, 04:56 PM
RE: Super PAC targets county council races - by DaVinci - 08-02-2014, 04:32 AM

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