08-12-2014, 10:32 AM
Chemtrails may be suspect but Haarp is not even a theory. It exists and neither Haarp nor the government are hiding. They claim it is used to scan the earths crust for oil reserves but it is known to cause earthquakes and be able to direct the movement of air which is basically controlling weather. It is a technology developed by Nikola Tesla but put into use by Haarp. It bounces low frequency waves off of the upper atmosphere and back towards the earth. They can also use this technology to heat or cool the air in specific spots which makes creates movement in a controlled direction. Whether it is used to create storms and earthquakes or not, intentionally or not is up is still undetermined but the fact that it exists is true you can see it on google maps and you can go to the locations if you really want to. They won't let you in but the signs outside say enough.
I wouldn't say that Iselle showed any signs of being a Haarp event partly because why would they have any interest in disturbing only Puna. But Hurricane Sandy was very fishy. It literally took a left hand turn right in the perfect spot to effect maximum people and the other strange part about Sandy was that it hardly rained at all. It was just a fine mist and allot of wind with the mother of all storm surges. It was more like a slow tsunami. Plus it was 900 miles across once it hit land. It was large enough to cover all of Germany.
At the end of the day it is hard to say what Haarp is actually up to but it exist in several areas and they don't deny they are using low frequency waves to look for oil.
I wouldn't say that Iselle showed any signs of being a Haarp event partly because why would they have any interest in disturbing only Puna. But Hurricane Sandy was very fishy. It literally took a left hand turn right in the perfect spot to effect maximum people and the other strange part about Sandy was that it hardly rained at all. It was just a fine mist and allot of wind with the mother of all storm surges. It was more like a slow tsunami. Plus it was 900 miles across once it hit land. It was large enough to cover all of Germany.
At the end of the day it is hard to say what Haarp is actually up to but it exist in several areas and they don't deny they are using low frequency waves to look for oil.