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Ticking time-bomb lurking in your pump room?
At 1:00am (these things always happen at 1:00am don't they?) the wife noticed that the pump was running. Not cycling, but running continuously. She went out to investigate and there was an inch of water in our lanai, water flowing from the pump room.

Because we went to sleep hours earlier, no idea how long this was happening.

So for the second time in my life (but first in Hawaii) I was awoken from a deep sleep by the wife calmly explaining that there was water gushing out of something.

I couldn't immediately tell where the water was coming from, the pump room was just chaos- water blasting seemingly from everywhere. Then I noticed the hole in the drywall. At first glance it seemed to be the source of the water, that didn't make any sense, but at second glance it was obvious the hole was caused BY the water- the hose going to the pressure switch had a large hole in it and water was spraying out at a high enough pressure the spray was bouncing everywhere and it had drilled a hole into the wall, nearly all the way through.

I removed the offending hose and took it to Island Catchment in the morning. The always helpful guy who works there knew what had happened on sight. I didn't have to tell him what happened. He explained that it was a fairly common problem and speculated that our acidic water might be shortening the life of the hose, but not to worry, the one he was about to sell me was much stronger. It was a cheap fix but I can imagine if we weren't home when it happened, there was the potential to come home to a burned-out pump and/or an empty catchment tank.

Here's the same story but in rhyming form:

'Twas the nightmare before Monday, and all through the house
Not an appliance was stirring, except the Grundfos;
The water was blasting it seemed everywhere,
'Cause a cheap bursting hose needed repair;
Just moments before I was asleep in my bed,
'Till the wife woke me up, "There's flooding, and widespread."
The pump room was noisy with spraying and clatter,
So I eased from the bed to see what was the matter;
Through the lanai from where the noise had brought her,
I walked on the floor covered in water;
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
Water and more water, it's source was unclear;
Eventually I made my diagnosis,
(My morning breath thick with halitosis);
After dawn and teeth brushing guess where I went,
The knowledgeable folks at Island Catchment;
Is your hose good? Nobody predicts,
But for ten Yankee dollars they'll sell you a fix.
As the water evaporates soon out of sight-
Let's hope there's no catchment drama tonight.


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Ticking time-bomb lurking in your pump room? - by terracore - 02-05-2018, 06:50 AM

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