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Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare?
Lol Mark,
I like your examples at the end. From what I've read and heard from the officials etc, the plant was taken offline by the fallen trees. The plant uses a closed loop to turn the turbines that is heated by the well loop. The released gas from my understanding is from the heat source loop but the turbine loop is not released as its some other fluid. Ask geochem, he knows that aspect and im not going to read through all that again. The heat source loop was released and that has all the crap in it and it was scrubbed with caustic soda during release. Yes it has the hydrogen sulphide in it along with other nasty crap, hence the need for the caustic soda. In any case obviously water vapor/steam was heavily present and within it all the crapola. Its a shamed that they didn't shut down. Trees will fall. It must have been really scary for those exposed to it atop the storm and all. BTW... reading the quote of the reporter/storm chaser, they simply stated the sky was orange above the plant and some loud noise coming from it and fire trucks out front or something (from what I read) there may have been more to it though. Yes, the well loop contains more than steam and no officials dispute its release or its toxicity, that appears to be exclusive to a select few here on Punaweb who claim it never happend or it was just a steam release.
Also keep in mind the power was out and several of the gas sensors went offline and remained that way for some time. So the claims of 0ppm/ppb are based on lost data. I guess people forget that such data is often reliant upon its surounding infrastructure.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Guest - 08-06-2014, 06:44 AM
RE: Would it wise for PGV at this time to prepare? - by Wao nahele kane - 08-21-2014, 08:19 PM

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