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ACLU Files Election Challenge on Behalf of Puna
The difference is that the Governor and office of Elections recognized the impediment to voting at the two precincts they closed and announced it within the statutory limits, whereas the other problems were not grasped fully in time to meet the deadine for action, which was Saturday Election Day.

I don't know why people don't get that laws aren't something you set aside when they don't seem fair. Unfair laws need to be addressed and changed for the future. Change to the statutes is typically spurred on by one or more people getting screwed over under the existing system. I can't see crying over this and still trying to vote in the past primary. I'd just make sure the legislators have a mandate to go over the statutes and add more provisions, and that voters push for the Elections Clerk to be more aggressive with election deferral in time of a disaster emergency -- next time.

btw, voter registration in HPP had dropped something like 22% this year, so it looks like there was a certain amount of voter apathy in play as usual in Hawaii primaries.

I respect everyone's right to vote, but we shouldn't pretend that everyone who was blocked in was upset about not voting. Some absolutely were thwarted, and that is unfortunate, but statistically speaking it was known all along that a lot of registered voters weren't going to turn out even with great weather.

And Hanabusa was not going to win the Senate with Puna's help. The storm affected area was not one where she had the numbers. I think the reason she would not challenge is the law requires she make a showing that the results would have been changed-- which she can't do, because the numbers aren't her friend.

She would never have won Puna if Iselle had not occurred -- and Greggor would have won, and Sanbuenaventura would have won, and there's no reason to think District 5 would have had other results, because the runoff pair was well in front of the rest of the field.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ACLU Files Election Challenge on Behalf of Puna - by missydog1 - 08-22-2014, 06:26 AM
RE: ACLU Files Election Challenge on Behalf of Puna - by missydog1 - 08-27-2014, 08:54 AM
RE: ACLU Files Election Challenge on Behalf of Puna - by missydog1 - 08-27-2014, 10:58 AM

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