09-13-2014, 11:51 PM
I am new to punatalk, just been reading...but have a suggestion for the dying ohia trees.
a while back(do not know how many years) a bug was introduced to kill the rose aples trees.
This bug is killing the ohia as well as our grape leaves. It is a small bug black that comes just before it gets dark to our lanai, and the ohia forest we live in. Not sure why it attacks some trees and not others.
Why isn't the university talking about this i wonder?
I am new to punatalk, just been reading...but have a suggestion for the dying ohia trees.
a while back(do not know how many years) a bug was introduced to kill the rose aples trees.
This bug is killing the ohia as well as our grape leaves. It is a small bug black that comes just before it gets dark to our lanai, and the ohia forest we live in. Not sure why it attacks some trees and not others.
Why isn't the university talking about this i wonder?