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Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal?
Not sure why geothermal released their rotten-egg smell in low lying gas waste into surrounding communities windows again a couple times this week in the early morning hours?. Not sure the leaks were even reported. Anyway geothermal and Helco are in a position to be political hero's for our county and state. Geothermal does have the capabilities to power these cut from helco powered homes in lower puna. I expect nothing less, only wish this could have been done years ago for the Puna residence and lower rates.

Not sure why most never bring up the possibilities of heavy metals released by the drilling or mining from geothermal potentially being a close community health hazard for planned releases?. Seems like all I hear about is so2 gas and how clean/safe it is.
Do we really need more geothermal plants blown wells lifting bull dozers with their blow outs? More planned releases into neighborhoods when the wind bows 40mph?. As long as Pele is active within the east rift zone and minerals or steam are present, man will go after it expensively with no regards to human health only wealth.


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RE: Will the new flow put an end to more geothermal? - by Guest - 09-18-2014, 10:32 AM

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