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HMSA to drop Medicare plans for 46,000 seniors
I thought that was the WHOLE IDEA behind the care act? To never deny anyone health care? If you got it, they aren't suppose to drop you no matter what. Seems to me HMSA and AlohaCare might be running into some class action law suits. Tho, I am sure they looked at all their options. Maybe the Fed can get in on it as well?

I think it's wrong. Maybe we should all send these insurance companies a letter and tell them we no longer support them since if they can just drop people from a certain plan that they offered in the past... Maybe it will be you NEXT that they drop because they determined too many shareholders on wall street were losing money. It's just not right.

HMSA estimates it lost about $64.1 million last year on its plans --

HMSA said it is not changing its Medicare plans to save money, but to "better reflect the benefit needs and cost of caring for our members."

Nope, there not doing it to save money. Uh huh... Damn can it be any more obvious?

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RE: HMSA to drop Medicare plans for 46,000 seniors - by ericlp - 10-03-2014, 04:25 PM

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