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New trend for fast food places not to have water?
If everybody left their sandwich there (before paying) and left, they would probably change their policy. Personally, the only unfermented liquid I drink is water. Sure I have black coffee in the morning and the occasional iced tea, but only if I make it myself. I have no desire to drink Aquafina or whatever it is they sell that was bottled in New Jersey, trucked across the country, and barged to Hawaii. Talk about environmentally irresponsible. Most places still offer a free dixie cup of water though some places are starting to charge a nominal amount (usually 25 cents or less) for a cup of water, which I have no problem paying (cups and ice aren't free) but I have not, and will not, pay their bottled water extortion. The entire conundrum has become so frustrating that there are places I won't go, sometimes I go if I have water with me, but it has gotten so bad that if I have to plan ahead to pack water, I now pack a lunch too.

Nickle and diming me is one thing, but trying to force me to consume water with a carbon overhead or charging me the same as a sugary drink is wrong. A lot of places have already lost my business, and I'm sure more will too. I doubt they will ever realize their folly.

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RE: New trend for fast food places not to have water? - by terracore - 10-13-2014, 04:40 AM

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