10-19-2014, 08:40 AM
I created and maintained the website as a contractor totally separate from my office position from 2000 until the Board cancelled that contract this past October 1st. Per the maintenance contract agreed upon, and at an hourly rate, I was to upload the new monthly calendar and the minutes of the Board and General membership meetings once they were provided to me. Everything else created and maintained on the website I did voluntarily......no charge to the Association. I felt the Seniors should have their own section, there should be basic information such as FAQs, driving directions, history of the subdivision, etc that should be made available to the public as well as links from the calendar to some of the classes and events that are scheduled. And then over time I was instructed by the Board to upload other information such as the 2 Master Plans, Albizia info, post this up....take this down, etc which I did for a nominal charge and that was ok until it became a daily thing. Now that my contract has been cancelled (which was fine with me), I may be expected to do some webwork for free as part of my job description with no extra hourly compensation (not fine with me). It is my understanding, however, that someone has been hired to rework the site and maintain it. I really do wish them well as I don't feel I have the necessary skills to bring the website (now hppoa.NET) to the level necessary to provide all the information required by the membership and others. I'm sure it will be great. Doing the website used to be fun. I'm ok with letting it go. [8D]
And I'll find out which 501c HPPOA is and post it unless someone posts it first.
Morgan Sky
And I'll find out which 501c HPPOA is and post it unless someone posts it first.
Morgan Sky