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Puna real estate sales drop, modular homes option?
I spent almost 10 years growing up in a trailer, a 40x8 Pontiac and it was well built from my memory.

Before moving here I was a Home Inspector and inspected a fair number of the newer, manufactured homes. Pretty yes, when new and well kept, but with all that particle board a big disaster and not moisture friendly. I've actually stepped those the floor. I would say to work here, especially Puna, ALL particle board would need to replaced when manufactured with a good grade plywood just for starters. Likely even that change would make them too expensive. Ten years down the road, Puna could likely be the poster child for a whole new round of trailer jokes.
Basically, unless the manufacturing specs are significantly upgraded not a good idea.


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RE: Puna real estate sales drop, modular homes option? - by David M - 11-24-2014, 02:52 AM

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