11-29-2014, 04:01 AM
What happened to oil at $200 a barrel and gas at $10 a gallon? And "peak oil"?
Do not confuse engineering reality with price manipulation.
There is a finite amount of oil; it will eventually run out, even if nobody can accurately predict exactly when that will happen. Meanwhile, the prices are affected by far more factors than simple supply/demand.
For most people, it will be both "too late" and "a huge surprise" when the oil markets collapse; by then, the meganationals will own all our water, lather rinse repeat.
Do not confuse engineering reality with price manipulation.
There is a finite amount of oil; it will eventually run out, even if nobody can accurately predict exactly when that will happen. Meanwhile, the prices are affected by far more factors than simple supply/demand.
For most people, it will be both "too late" and "a huge surprise" when the oil markets collapse; by then, the meganationals will own all our water, lather rinse repeat.