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Infinity Eco-Green 12L tankless water heater
Hot is immediate (minus length of plumbing). Insulating the plumbing helps somewhat.

In theory there's a timer that shuts the unit off after 20 minutes (damage control), in practice I've never had that problem.

Temperature regulation is "vague" (it's a straight "degrees rise", so relative to the intake temp), I end up changing it twice a year to compensate for the winter "cold"; some of the premium 10L units have better thermostats.

Next house will simply have one 5L (the $120 size) + pump ($60) per sink, with very short hot water plumbing, that way I can even set the kitchen sink hotter than the shower. Flow rate for the 5L units is well-matched by the little 2.9gpm DC pumps.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Infinity Eco-Green 12L tankless water heater - by Guest - 11-30-2014, 11:37 PM
RE: Infinity Eco-Green 12L tankless water heater - by kalakoa - 12-01-2014, 04:16 AM

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