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Using bankruptcy court against a lava flow
should of been mandatory for anyone buying into Puna to buy a state funded lava insurance program. Don't want to buy in? Then you don't get to buy a lot in Puna.

Should have been done a long time ago and the fee's should have been applied to property tax's. Oh well, But, what if Hilo or Kona side goes? should be something to start up now.

I think it shouldn't just be Puna but the entire island. I wouldn't mind paying extra for insurance to help "someone" else out... That fund if it was for the entire island, would become massive if it was only 100 - 150 per lot. Dunno how many lots this island has on it, but I would imagine a Bunch of them. Tho, there should be some sort of separate insurance for business property.

I know a lot of people are against this type of insurance. But, I think it's one way to bail out area's or HELP bail out areas that might get inundated.

And before all the people against this say I just want a handout... Hardly, yes. I do live in Hawaiian Beaches. But, my house was built by myself designed to be moved and can be moved fairly easy if need be. The lot I paid 7K cash for it, yeah I got about 20K in infrastructure, like lot clearing, fill, water meter, septic tank, but A-hmmm, I don't have NEARLY as much as others have tied up in investments. I would say most people Average around 150K-200K down here if they had to take a loss it would be massive.

Personally I could care less when the lava wipes out half of Puna, Tho, I do worry about my neighbors that have been here forever (second generation). I just think the state needs to get it's act together and figure out a way to blanket cover these types disasters.

Then there are the people ... Well, go buy insurance. Fine... Fair enough. I'm all down for that... But what about the person today that just got fired or fell on hard times (whatever the case may be). He can't make the premium insurance payment for a few months.Then he get's hired with a new company ... Well,guess what, now he CAN'T even GET insurance. So, What about those people? That's why the state needs to step in and find a solution.

Look we all know the Lava is gonna continue for a good long time and it's gotta go someplace. What's an extra 100 bucks a year on the taxes? Sounds like a pretty good solution and instead of complaining and bitching about "HOW YOU DON'T LIKE IT" come up with some better alternatives and No, I don't like the idea of you knew the risks, deal with it, attitude isn't helping people much. Just remember it may one day by your home and property getting covered then you'll wish you would have said, wow, that guy was right!

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RE: Using bankruptcy court against a lava flow - by ericlp - 12-05-2014, 10:12 AM

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