12-09-2014, 04:21 AM
Does he really not have a license or is he just refuse to show a license?
That detail makes a difference to me because I believe if you are born in this country there is no reason you should have to supply an id. on command unless the law enforcement officer provides you with a reason why you are being stopped. If they have a a valid reason then yes provide an id so they can get on with their job. But I personally have been in situations where I am randomly asked to prove myself to the police for no good reason. They could have told me that I fit a description or something but if you ask them why you are being stopped they never give an answer. That is a violation of my rights as a U.S. citizen. Suppose I did not drive, then should I carry my passport at all times inside the country that I was born in? Do I get this harassment because my skin is brown? There have been times when I did not have a license because I did not drive a car and I was stopped by the police and they wasted my time arguing that I will be arrested because I have no id. I had to let them know that I will not carry a passport just because I am brown and look like I might be foreign to them. This is supposed to be a free country not a police state. If they think I have committed a crime then let me know and do what you have to do, but if they don't tell me why I am being questioned then they I will not identify myself. They don't need to know me. This isn't a police state or maybe it is.
That detail makes a difference to me because I believe if you are born in this country there is no reason you should have to supply an id. on command unless the law enforcement officer provides you with a reason why you are being stopped. If they have a a valid reason then yes provide an id so they can get on with their job. But I personally have been in situations where I am randomly asked to prove myself to the police for no good reason. They could have told me that I fit a description or something but if you ask them why you are being stopped they never give an answer. That is a violation of my rights as a U.S. citizen. Suppose I did not drive, then should I carry my passport at all times inside the country that I was born in? Do I get this harassment because my skin is brown? There have been times when I did not have a license because I did not drive a car and I was stopped by the police and they wasted my time arguing that I will be arrested because I have no id. I had to let them know that I will not carry a passport just because I am brown and look like I might be foreign to them. This is supposed to be a free country not a police state. If they think I have committed a crime then let me know and do what you have to do, but if they don't tell me why I am being questioned then they I will not identify myself. They don't need to know me. This isn't a police state or maybe it is.