12-14-2014, 11:45 AM
I don't know how the county would view this but I have stopped digging a hole (if it could ever have been called digging in the first place) because I hit a solid sheet of pahoehoe that bent the tip of my o'o. Due to my tunnel vision at the time I lamented that I would not be able to properly cement in a post. What about drilling 3/4" holes and epoxying 1/2" rebar into them, thereby tieing into a massive natural foundation? Just stop digging when you hit stuff too big to move, drill and set anchors or rebar, and pour concrete columns from there? Make wider at the bottom if deemed necessary to regain the leverage you lose from not going as deep, but really if the rebar is in there solidly it is as though the column extends down into the pahoehoe.