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Palikapu Dedman with the Pele Defense Fund
Whalesong thank you for your post and video. Loved to see the Hawaiian show some passion and emotion towards the future caring of our aina and its people. Don't know this man speaking in the video personally but he has my respect now and tomorrow. The Hawaiians seem so much stronger than the white hippie nimby folks when voicing their opinions or standing up for what they believe in. This gives me hope that some of these state and geothermal promised health studies may actually happen.
We may never know what really killed a few of our friends and family members so young in life or made so many others sick that were good neighbors to geothermal. Why has this state allowed such an experimental geothermal plant to continue to grow, produce, and profit while ignoring all possible health impacts or complaints by close living residents?.
Leilanidude you continue to amaze me with your usually short and to the point responses of calling those most affected by geo as liars and complainers. You never throw any factual literature to back up what you claim but you do a great job of instigating the arguments or discussions while you obviously side with the green clean geothermal. Your voice and opinions should be heard as so should those who are sick and tired of the way geothermal has been operating around these parts.
Palikapu was awesome, he seems to be a caring and knowledgeable Hawaiian who wants the best for his aina and family. We need more like him in these parts because we don't have the white mans money here to defend or protect this rare beautiful district.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Palikapu Dedman with the Pele Defense Fund - by Guest - 01-09-2015, 05:45 AM
RE: Palikapu Dedman with the Pele Defense Fund - by Guest - 01-10-2015, 05:19 PM
RE: Palikapu Dedman with the Pele Defense Fund - by Guest - 01-11-2015, 07:32 AM

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