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Mystery helicopter came within feet of hitting us
Our house just got buzzed twice by a helicopter. The wife literally saw the EYES of occupants. Our dogs ran under my desk like lightning was going off. The palms and trees were swaying from the rotor wash. This was not a tourist or military helicopter. I looked on and it shows the aircraft info as "BLOCKED" but it did show a flight path as originating at ITO and going to Pahoa, looping around, and then flying back above our house and then landing again at ITO. I don't know if it was 'the' aircraft but I got on as soon as it left and the track and everything else seems a match.

It was going WAY too fast to be a DEA helicopter (we've seen those before, they move very slowly). They were actually hauling ass which is one of the reasons why it was so loud we couldn't hear anything else.


The wife still hasn't completely recovered. It was so close, loud, and fast she thought it was crashing.

ETA: It spooked our livestock good. We have animals in wrong paddocks, crashed through/over fences etc. Stuff that never happened through countless lightning storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. So far no apparent injuries and I consider us lucky. I can't imagine how frightened they were.


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Mystery helicopter came within feet of hitting us - by terracore - 09-28-2019, 01:03 PM

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