01-19-2015, 02:08 AM
(1) The concentrations of hydrogen sulfide detected in air atmonitoring stations in residential areas near the PunaGeothermal Venture do not pose a public health hazard.
(2) The HDOH emergency level of 1,000 ppb hydrogen sulfide forevacuation in the event of an unplanned release isprotective of pubic health.
"Ambient air concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in residentialareas near the PGV are typically less than 1 ppb. These levelsare similar to naturally-occurring, background levels (0.11 to0.33 ppb) that have been detected in ambient air at otherlocations [3]. There is no toxicological evidence that chronicexposure to these levels of hydrogen sulfide would have anadverse impact on public health."
Just call me Mike
(1) The concentrations of hydrogen sulfide detected in air atmonitoring stations in residential areas near the PunaGeothermal Venture do not pose a public health hazard.
(2) The HDOH emergency level of 1,000 ppb hydrogen sulfide forevacuation in the event of an unplanned release isprotective of pubic health.
"Ambient air concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in residentialareas near the PGV are typically less than 1 ppb. These levelsare similar to naturally-occurring, background levels (0.11 to0.33 ppb) that have been detected in ambient air at otherlocations [3]. There is no toxicological evidence that chronicexposure to these levels of hydrogen sulfide would have anadverse impact on public health."
Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,