01-20-2015, 07:28 AM
Leilanidude thank you for posting a reasonable question like why don't the working crew at Puna's geothermal plant get sick or die? Of course my answer would only be a guess and also my opinion. See most hired at the geothermal plant are men, prime healthy men from other locations between the ages of 25-50. Most of these men hired work at geothermal less than 5 years and rarely invest back into one of the cheapest buying areas in hawaii, Puna. Most of the leaking gas or exposure from geothermal comes between the hours of 1:00 A.m and 6:00 a.m maybe temp or weather changes the air composition at these times. They ( geothermal) also have just used these times to dump their waste. Could be special written contracts for folks who get hired to work for such highly experimental projects. For example if one who gets hired by Puna's Ormat and develops cancer get 6 figure settlements, call it good life insurance. Just my opinion.