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Hawaii Senate panel to consider GMO labeling
Genes are chemicals and many thousands of them compose DNA. When a select gene is extracted from one microorganism and prepared for pneumatic blasting (Shot gunned/Gene Gun) into a desired grouping of cells, the outcome is a randomized collection of a product that has been effectively shot by a microscopic shot blast. Very similar except in scale to bird shot or buck shot, shot out of an air shot gun that doesn't have genes affixed to the shot. The end result is not at all precision, these selected genes end up in all sorts of randomized locations within the cells substructure. This is why there is less than a 1% success rate of creating the desired specimen.
Depending where these gene segments align themselves within the DNA of the target will determine their over all effect on the cells. Depending on what genes they land next to may also create randomized chemical links where one gene may fit in without creating an unintended chemical reaction while another one may react unintendedly depending on where it landed and it links in.

They don't know the exact result, only that in the end, the cells matured into a plant that appears healthy and may or may not reflect the desired properties. Otherwise the product either dies or is rejected for a multitude of possible reasons.

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RE: Hawaii Senate panel to consider GMO labeling - by Wao nahele kane - 03-01-2015, 03:21 AM

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