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Possibly a Great Opportunity for a Punawebber
Top of the morning puna. Thought I should chime in to explain myself for a few. The only response my post received was about my pahoa education spelling. Except or accept, sorry. The correct spelling really must have been more important than the issue I was hoping to discuss as a community. Anyway did not seem as if most wanted to talk about these EBT cards or the effects it MAY be having to our district and state.
Maybe those like Tom are more concerned with trying to bash or embarrass others? That's a.o.k with me, I give you a pass Tom. I think you have been under alot of pressure, my best to your better half. Also really love that name Lavalava, very fitting and somewhat fascinating to me.
You all are very good writers yourself so when you are ready to write about something that Might make a difference within our community, I will want to read. Again I apologize to these few, and to others for the erasing of most of my post and the misspelling of accept. Gypsy69.


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RE: Possibly a Great Opportunity for a Punawebber - by Guest - 03-06-2015, 11:21 AM
RE: Possibly a Great Opportunity for a Punawebber - by Guest - 03-07-2015, 04:30 AM
RE: Possibly a Great Opportunity for a Punawebber - by Guest - 03-07-2015, 04:50 AM

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