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Ripping land D9 references in Hawaiian acres advic
If I were you I would look for a lot that has already been ripped. They come up for sale all the time and IF they are more expensive than unripped lots, its not by much (many buyers do not want a ripped lot full of invasives). Many of these lots can grow pasture grass without bringing soil in. The forest that was bulldozed to death will have already mulched away and added some nutrients to the ground. Goats will eat the weeds and trees down and help to make "soil" that grows grass for the sheep to eat. You'll need a lot of paddocks to do it right, both for maintaining the vegetation and breaking the parasite cycle. The worms and other parasites here are relentless on these small (for livestock) 3 acre lots. Even when its done right parasite control will be a big part of your lifestock expense and maintenance. Falling trees and limbs from neighbor lots and pigs will make fence maintenance a never ending chore. You'll want to raise your animals to come when called by offering a grain or other treat daily so when they get out of the fence you'll be able to get them back.

You can get free mulch from the Hilo dump. Even if its only one pickup load at a time when you are running other errands it can go a long way to making your own "soil".

Also remember that square lots require a lot less fencing (and therefore expense) than spaghetti lots, so don't let the initial purchase price be your only consideration.

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RE: Ripping land D9 references in Hawaiian acres advic - by terracore - 05-02-2015, 04:58 AM

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