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OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT

I'm surprised it hasn't been taken off youtube yet. I'm guessing many people in the movement are proud of the testimony as opposed to being embarrassed...?

1st speaker. Wowser. He represents the people of the world, remember. And gets a rousing applause...? So very damaging to the cause, but he is _admired_ by those in attendance?

2nd speaker. Couldn't find much relevance to the TMT, but good to know he says "to hell with the keiki of the future that are all contaminated with the technology" and "we are REAL people, that are spiritually connected, PERIOD, no discussion from any PhD in this room." More applause.

3rd speaker. I think Richard Ha was saying that TMT money going to the keiki was a good thing--quite meandering. Sounded like one person clapped.

4th speaker. A slam poetry entry I guess. "We are an arterial/ethereal(?) people, on a different level, we free" Very rousing applause and cheering. Again, so damaging to the cause.

5th speaker. Refreshing recognition of pro-TMT attendees and plea about who was here first and who has love, and of course, Truth. We come in love. Very likable, has family. Applause.

6th speaker. Argues environmental damage in a conservation district. "TMT is a monstrosity...of the almighty god of science." Wants money from other telescopes. There is a lot of poverty in India. Chile is build a large telescope so enough is enough. Applause and some cheering.

Then OHA folks do their committee thing, then some singing and chanting in Hawaiian.

The greatest irony to me is that the native Hawaiians have put up with the OHA. Protest cutting edge science TMT instead of protesting the OHA? Oh how I wish they had chosen a better battle. They have to spend time arguing they are not anti-science (when the content of much of what is said makes it clear they are) and then the overblown self-importance of some being the only Real and Enlightened folks on the planet shows through all the stronger. Granted, there is a demographic that is likely attracted to such ideation, but overall, it limits acceptance from a much larger demographic, methinks.

Imagine that the protestors targeted the OHA and never set up a blockade of the TMT construction. How many thousands more people (myself included) would be sympathetic to the cause. How unnecessary it would be to go on about the watershed pollution/sacred/mana/etc. type arguments. The "enough is enough" would be front and center without the circus logic and focus on TMT and Mauna Kea's sacredness. As it it is now almost a sideshow...


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RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by dmbwest - 04-30-2015, 10:55 AM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by dmbwest - 04-30-2015, 06:26 PM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by dmbwest - 05-01-2015, 10:54 PM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by knieft - 05-03-2015, 05:16 AM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by Guest - 05-03-2015, 08:05 AM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by Guest - 05-07-2015, 07:24 PM
RE: OHA Votes to Rescind Their Support for the TMT - by Guest - 07-12-2015, 05:30 PM

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