11-08-2005, 10:09 AM
Weather update for the upper elevations of thehttp://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cam/index.htm Puna district, east-side and near our piece of paradise. Check it out when ever you are logged onto the web at, http://hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cam/index.htm
It is the Pu'u O'o crater and the best weather indicator I've found for the 1800 foot elevation in IMHO. You can see it all here rain, shine, wind direction, fog and the fluffy white clouds moving along on the trades. Ah frogman wear. Do they make that in pink? Mella L
mella l
It is the Pu'u O'o crater and the best weather indicator I've found for the 1800 foot elevation in IMHO. You can see it all here rain, shine, wind direction, fog and the fluffy white clouds moving along on the trades. Ah frogman wear. Do they make that in pink? Mella L
mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Art and Science