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Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction
My thoughts on single vs double wall construction.

WARNING - the following rants are solely MHO and not directed to anyone specifically, nor based on anything other than my observations:

No matter how you cut it, the house building industry is all about money. Double wall uses way more material, different materials, different suppliers, therefore it costs more - share the wealth. That may seem contradictory when you consider the single wall used a far better grade of material, but I suspect the pure profit potential is far greater in the poorer material. Also far less waste in single wall.
Single wall requires a higher level of craftsmanship, basically there is no way to hide the screwups, therefore you have to higher craftsmen and not just laborers. Framers=Finish=Trim. This also applies to subs like electricians and plumbers. I've been in a number of single walled homes, that the surface mounted wiring blends in so well, it is very difficult to see - that takes planning and skill - a lot easier to hide everything behind sheetrock.
The more it costs a contractor to build, the more profit, based on his % markup.
I recently got to observe a fairly minor remodel of a single wall structure. To me it was darn inspiring to see the level of attention to detail.
I can also understand why you may have been told single wall doesn't meet code given the current trend to build with maximum simspson-strong ties with a bit of wood to fill in the gaps. As for code... na, better leave that rant for another time.

PS. Back 25+ years ago, I owned a single wall house on Oahu. My neighbor helped me expand it, basically by pushing one wall out 8 feet the total length of the building. We dismantled that wall, then rebuilt it using the original material without loosing a piece.

End of rant Smile


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident

Messages In This Thread
RE: Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction - by David M - 12-19-2005, 10:18 PM
RE: Single Wall vs Double Wall Construction - by Guest - 07-28-2013, 06:57 AM

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