08-24-2015, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
I don't understand why so many of you can live here, claim to love Hawaii, and yet are so dismissive and insulting about the Native Hawaiians...
Some of us live here, and support Native Hawaiians and their rights, but also point out arguments made by a vocal few that are not true, don't add up, or are otherwise distorted.
A movement in the long run won't be successful if it's not based on truth. I can support people wanting to get their piece of the pie, a homestead, an education, and self determination, but they better know if a bug is endangered, or how a water table works if it's an argument they want to use to elicit my support. And they better not cry over newly invented religious practices they claim they're prevented from performing, as an excuse to circumnavigate the law. That won't fly. Fortunately the people who do those things are a minority, and the majority of Native Hawaiians are better than that, and are better off without them.
This is it in a nutshell. No matter how noble the cause, bulls**t is still bulls**t and the more someone asks me to believe that 2+2=3 or 5 or anything but 4, the more alienated I become from the people making such outlandish claims.
I honestly don't think that I have heard that much from the mainstream Native Hawaiian community. A normal spectrum of opinion would have a much wider spread so the fact that alternative viewpoints are so infrequently heard is proof to me that many are remaining silent.