08-27-2015, 02:06 AM
quote:Well,, unless you attack a women, leave her alive, but cause the death or her in-utero child, and get prosecuted for murder. Except, well, for that....... BTW, these abortions are taking places days, even hours before natural live childbirth would occur, largely as a way to raise money for the Planned Infanticide organization performing them.
Originally posted by Sugarloaf
This kind of argument reminds me of debating young earth creationists. Ignore 98% of the oppositions argument and bring in mostly irrelevant and massively spun 'exceptions'. To argue that abortions are largely a way to raise money for Planned Parenthood is a stretch that even the most gullible would question. And anyone who attacks a pregnant woman.... well, lets leave it at that. Even a neo-con can figure the right and wrong of it.
I'm starting to be reminded of previously banned trolls. Anyone else getting that feeling?
Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,