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Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant
Originally posted by VancouverIslander

At least this kind of technology could replace dirty energy sources like diesel generators while cooling ocean surface temperatures. From an environment standpoint, it's a win/win.

Just call me Mike

NPDES permits are required. Such permits prohibit polluting the ocean in various ways, one of which is temperature pollution. The water would have to be put back where it would not significantly alter the temperature of the local water. Now in my opinion, there are lots worse things than for example converting the Ala Wai canal in Waikiki from a stagnant overheated drainage ditch into a cool flowing current of clean seawater, as would happen if all the hotels and condos lining it used deep ocean water for air conditioning and disposed of the "used" water into the canal. However, there are lots of other situations where delicate sea life could be harmed by making the ocean environment either hotter or colder. I don't know if the argument could be made that you are cooling surface waters down to what they should/used to be, but there would be lots of red tape involved.

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RE: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant - by MarkP - 08-27-2015, 06:10 AM

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