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Saw someone washing his car at the county tap
I'm in the camp of Use as much as you need, but don't waste it.

I feel the county is saving TONS ... By not having to run water lines and maintaining large ones at the street. Also, they are saving big bucks by not providing a solid waste plant or trucking solids to a waste plant. Plus hiring even more county workers to maintain it.

I think all this money they are saving, they should friggen install some decent toilets and showers at each fill up station. To me, they are frigen lucky no one is sueing them for not providing services to every lot on the big island.

My feelings are same with trash, Oahu and maui? can have garbage truck service for free... why not here? They are saving big bucks letting the public drive (burn ick *please don't do that*) trash to a transfer station. At least they could do is hire 10 more people to pick it up along side the road ways.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Saw someone washing his car at the county tap - by ericlp - 08-30-2015, 07:39 AM
RE: Saw someone washing his car at the county tap - by Guest - 08-30-2015, 07:51 AM

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