10-14-2015, 04:45 AM
people who have cable as well as independent solar systems
Oceanic requires an "independent solar system" to be fully permitted/inspected before they will consider installing cable. I realize that such systems do exist, but I have never actually seen one; thus, the best way to "guarantee" getting cable is by having grid power.
that part of your response is just off the cuff BS
Oceanic's regulations are the BS here.
an independent system that will continue to work after a storm event or earthquake trashes the grid would have excellent resale value
In theory, yes; in practice, most home buyers find off-grid homes to be "weird and scary", effectively reducing their apparent "resale value" compared to equivalent grid-connected real estate.
Oceanic requires an "independent solar system" to be fully permitted/inspected before they will consider installing cable. I realize that such systems do exist, but I have never actually seen one; thus, the best way to "guarantee" getting cable is by having grid power.
that part of your response is just off the cuff BS
Oceanic's regulations are the BS here.
an independent system that will continue to work after a storm event or earthquake trashes the grid would have excellent resale value
In theory, yes; in practice, most home buyers find off-grid homes to be "weird and scary", effectively reducing their apparent "resale value" compared to equivalent grid-connected real estate.