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Dengue: Should I dump my bromeliads?
Rather see a responsible homeowner with bromeliads vs, junked out cars, clogged gutters and or a bunch of hunting dogs with water dishes that never get changed out, or uncovered catchment tanks.

Dan't have catchment issues in my area, but got a neighbor about 3 houses down with a few junk cars in his yard. I dunno, I'm sure 1 out of 4-5 houses in puna has that neighbor that just doesn't take care his his/her yard and doesn't care about themselves, let alone anyone else in the hood.

I guess my point is, you can do all you want to make your yard mosquito free. It only works if the hood does the same.

I've heard you can use dish soap, it floats on the top of the water, and suffocates the larvae.

Tho, I'm sure if you got some of this...

and maybe some of this...

Treated the yard and plants every 3 months.. you'd be doing your part and then some...

If you hung this up under one of the eves... (I plan on getting)... Even better!

Have fun killing mosquitoes! and enjoy your blooming plants!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Dengue: Should I dump my bromeliads? - by ericlp - 11-07-2015, 09:40 PM
RE: Dengue: Should I dump my bromeliads? - by dmbwest - 11-13-2015, 05:27 PM

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