02-11-2016, 09:45 AM
"What Ted doesn't understand is his precious local culture is failing the kids horribly. Where were the good role models in the family and community?"...etc.
We seem to be getting carried away with the sweeping generalizations on either side, don't you think? We should be more than familiar and unsurprised by pahoated's usual bluster. Responding in kind by widely associating "locals" and local culture primarily with ingrained welfare dependency and fraud along with "ghetto" and lack of education is more of the same, a derogatory stereotype mischaracterizing a very wide swath of people. Time to grow a little?
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We seem to be getting carried away with the sweeping generalizations on either side, don't you think? We should be more than familiar and unsurprised by pahoated's usual bluster. Responding in kind by widely associating "locals" and local culture primarily with ingrained welfare dependency and fraud along with "ghetto" and lack of education is more of the same, a derogatory stereotype mischaracterizing a very wide swath of people. Time to grow a little?
Edit to add quote.