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Strong lava smell this morning in leilani
Sorry Tomk, I missed your question for a couple of days.

Well when your standing at a volcano vent you will notice a bluish or grey gas that smells a bit like rotten eggs. When you are on a lava flow that is still hot under your feet. The gas, steam, or smoke is a bit clearer or whitish. You may smell a variety of what ever the lava is burning, ohia(green or dead), grass,stag,asphalt, rubbish, sometimes even my shoes. The trade winds may blow across a new hot lava field and bring a certain warmth or carry Odors you feel both physically and mentally. The other morning did not smell of rotten eggs, or geothermal, only a bit sulfuric carrying odors like a fire burning green waste, it felt a bit like hot lava due to the warmth in temp and eye, throat, and head irritations it left over.
Aloha Tomk, have a great day and enjoy the wonderful weather of late. I may have to order water from Julian's today.

Messages In This Thread
Strong lava smell this morning in leilani - by Guest - 02-21-2016, 02:29 AM
RE: Strong lava smell this morning in leilani - by Guest - 02-24-2016, 04:54 AM

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