03-03-2016, 06:37 AM
Thanks again hotpe.
Interesting how my use of the word technology would make you think satilite, a working satilite at that too. There are probably thousands of working satilites, who knows how much other man made technology (space junk) we keep track or data of currently, probably expecting a bit more in the coming years too.
The way I understand the mirror complex or eye of the TMT, correct me if I am wrong please. The over 400 lenses or mirrors used by the tmt may be used together or separately and could be operated, manipulated, or controlled from afar( like from a military ship or sub in China waters?).
P.S. Question for you hotpe. Would pearl harbor or hawaii have been bombed or attacked the way it was if america did not invest,carry, or have so much of the then current technology sitting in or around that harbor at the time?
Interesting how my use of the word technology would make you think satilite, a working satilite at that too. There are probably thousands of working satilites, who knows how much other man made technology (space junk) we keep track or data of currently, probably expecting a bit more in the coming years too.
The way I understand the mirror complex or eye of the TMT, correct me if I am wrong please. The over 400 lenses or mirrors used by the tmt may be used together or separately and could be operated, manipulated, or controlled from afar( like from a military ship or sub in China waters?).
P.S. Question for you hotpe. Would pearl harbor or hawaii have been bombed or attacked the way it was if america did not invest,carry, or have so much of the then current technology sitting in or around that harbor at the time?