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Thoughts on Big Island Launch site ?
"What they need to do is make a railroad track system that is connected to one of these steam catapults...You know the kind they use on the launch aircraft from carrieriors??? Well, make this thing go up about 16K' and strap it from sea level to the top Maunakea up to 14K' feet with an extra 2K' past it.

Put the rocket one the track, and LIFT OFF!!! Did you know that most of the fuel is used up just getting a rocket off the launch pad. If you could be going twice the speed of sound by the time you got to 14K' just think how much fuel you'd save! If one did it right and got it going 3-4x the speed of sound, maybe wouldn't even need any fuel on board at all!

Actually, all you need is a railgun that eventually launches the spaceship vertically. Run it up a mountain and have the end of it point straight up. As long as you can get the thing to 25,000 mph (or a little more to take into account air resistance) it'll be off into the solar system and then all you need is a little fuel on board for course corrections. Just wait until the Earth has rotated into the right position before launching and Bob's your uncle.

But I won't volunteer to be a passenger...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Thoughts on Big Island Launch site ? - by dmbwest - 03-13-2016, 06:57 PM
RE: Thoughts on Big Island Launch site ? - by dmbwest - 03-13-2016, 09:54 PM
RE: Thoughts on Big Island Launch site ? - by TomK - 03-14-2016, 05:46 PM

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