03-29-2016, 07:22 PM
dakine wrote:
"All this hoopla about it having to happen now, and having to happen here, is silly methinks."
So you think having the TMT operate at the same time the JWST is operational is silly? Why do you think that? Scientific reasons please, not personal attacks. I'm also interested in the infrared and optical properties of the site you recommended for the TMT. Local and natural seeing, the amount of precipitable water that would affect IR observations, IR seeing, the number of clear nights per year etc.
Since you identified this site a long while ago, I'm sure you'll have this information at hand.
"All this hoopla about it having to happen now, and having to happen here, is silly methinks."
So you think having the TMT operate at the same time the JWST is operational is silly? Why do you think that? Scientific reasons please, not personal attacks. I'm also interested in the infrared and optical properties of the site you recommended for the TMT. Local and natural seeing, the amount of precipitable water that would affect IR observations, IR seeing, the number of clear nights per year etc.
Since you identified this site a long while ago, I'm sure you'll have this information at hand.